Rubrics – A better way to Assess


Many #PE #teachers were ‘instructed/encouraged’ to give a passing grade to all #students at the end of the #school year for obvious reasons. While the #pandemic2020 rages on and the new school year is about to begin, we owe it to our students to let them know where they stand. Unlike #maths or #scienceandtechnology , PE has a profound, lasting impact on one’s way of #life and cannot be taken lightly.

The standard battery of #tests from Push-ups to Pacer may not apply anymore for the most part but…

Welcome to the world of #rubrics (if you have not been in it).
For you and your students, the rubric defines what is expected and what will be assessed. Whether for online or face-to-face courses, it indicates that you will evaluate according to specified criteria, making grading and ranking simpler, more transparent, and fairer.

You can apply a rubric to just about any subject you can think of, from content testing to dance and everything in between. Don’t re-invent the wheel, modify existing rubric samples you can find everywhere on the internet to meet your specific lesson plan. #PE#Pandemic#COVID-19; #physednhealth

How often do you assess your students and why?

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